CollageVis: Rapid Previsualization Tool for Indie Filmmaking using Video Collages

CollageVis: Rapid Previsualization Tool for Indie Filmmaking using Video Collages

Hye-Young Jo, Ryo Suzuki, Yoonji Kim  

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024)

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Previsualization, previs, is essential for flm production, allowing cinematographic experiments and efective collaboration. However, traditional previs methods like 2D storyboarding and 3D animation require substantial time, cost, and technical expertise, posing challenges for indie flmmakers. We introduce CollageVis, a rapid previsualization tool using video collages. CollageVis enables flmmakers to create previs through two main user interfaces. First, it automatically segments actors from videos and assigns roles using name tags, color flters, and face swaps. Second, it positions video layers on a virtual stage and allows users to record shots using mobile as a proxy for a virtual camera. These features were developed based on formative interviews by refecting indie flmmakers’ needs and working methods. We demonstrate the system’s capability by replicating seven flm scenes and evaluate the system’s usability with six indie flmmakers. The fndings indicate that CollageVis allows more fexible yet expressive previs creation for idea development and collaboration.


Hye-Young Jo, Ryo Suzuki, and Yoonji Kim. 2024. CollageVis: Rapid Previsualization Tool for Indie Filmmaking using Video Collages. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). ACM, New York, NY, USA, .

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